What is all this buzz about MMDVM and NXDN and ???????? other homebrew kits that are joining the Digital Ham Radio Era?

Well, like most forms of digital technology comes advancement of it. In this case it came from Jonathan Naylor G4KLX and his project for D-Star, Fusion and P25 (aka P25NX).
*I only know of those modes from Jonathan
But for some of you, you already know what it is and does. For others, it’s where you can take micro-computing to the next communications level, and have a “repeater controller” doing all the hard work with simple radio gear, and OR a hotspot 2-way now.

Here is where things stand at the moment, from the MMDVM Yahoo group, by way of Jonathan:
“I have merged he NXDN branch for both the modem firmware and the host into master. This means that the default version of the code is now NXDN enabled.

It has basic networking built-in, talking to the single MMDVM NXDN reflector. I posted details of how to use it a couple of weeks ago. I am working on making the software compatible with the official NXDN amateur network, and in due course, that, along with some form of gateway will be released. At that time the MMDVM NXDN reflector will be retired.

Please note that the extra processing load of the NXDN code means that it isn’t possible to run five modes on an Arduino Due. Aside from NXDN, D-Star and DMR are the next heaviest protocols for processing, so it may be possible to run (say) NXDN and P25 on a Due, and maybe more. The more powerful STM32 and Teensy based systems can easily run all five modes. I believe firmware for the ZUMSpot and MMDVM_HS boards will also be available soon.

In unrelated news. I’ve been adding FCS support into the YSF Gateway and taking the opportunity to clean the code up also. I did a first test this evening trying to log into FCS001-20 but with no success šŸ™ It’s early days though.

JonathanĀ  G4KLX ”

So with that being said, the next level of NXDN and the Homebrew world is network linking, which is still being tested at this time, though the MMDVM network has a function for linking, it is not currently connected to the NXCore 65000 relm at this time.
I will let you know when that chapter comes into play, but do expect to see a SURGE of new users to say hello to!

Evans Mitchell

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