After some issues with our prior provider, I just bit the bullet and got a slice of a virtual server online for real…
This is an image of the last 24 hours of bandwidth usage since I got all the repeaters and other reflectors moved over to it… :)…
We’ll see now what a standard month brings so we can gauge utilization.
Hey Adam, I am a fairly large ICOM dealer and if you need anything please let me know. Also would a NXDN UHF Repeater located in Indiana be of help on your network?
Your welcome to join the network, just email me or Evans Mitchell for the information. Sorry for the late reply, been really busy here lately.
hey I run a nexedge system, and many 70 cm repeaters.
I can put a nxdn 70cm repeater in central ny. what do I need to link to the ww/system?
THe NXREF runs off of a raspberry Pi device. Contact kd4efm1@ Gmail and I will help get you going…
im trying to get my icom 6061 to broadcast on the aprs my call sign is N9BRG AND MY ID FOR THE RADIO IS 17011.THANK YOU IS YOU CAN HELP ME