Hello from KD4EFM, Evans; 2017 Jan 22

Greetings one and all Hams!

Orlando Hamfest coming up in February, I will be there! Hopefully I can show off the NX-5000 series radios while there as well.
Well, work has had me rather busy over the last 3 months, so I can’t really give a good update on what has been going on, but will pass this along.
NXREF and NXCORE will be getting a minor over-haul and some updates to them. For the NX-REF, I am working on re-tooling it to become a soft-bridge between the Icom and Kenwood IP infrastructure. Thus making it a bridge between the two platforms.
NX-Core is being looked over to improve a few functions and make it a little more versatile for the NXDN side of Digital Ham Radio.

At this time, there is no lead-in as to designing NX-Ref to interface into the DMR Network Breinmaster. YES, there will be experiments leading up to an interface, but will not be part of the CORE NXDN world wide network.

DV-MINI’s; My understanding is there are a few who are playing with the mini and have been able to link into the NX-Core with the home-brew NXDN hotspots in non-nxdn repeater areas. Looking to incorporate that into the next level release forthcoming.

Anyone who has articles or other items to add, please send them to me or to Cliff (K1IFF)
and we will get them posted here for others to read up on.

New Repeaters?
I am getting word here in Florida, two repeaters have been put up over in Brevard County
on VHF.  I will work on getting that information updated in the repeater list linked over on the right side menu.

73’s and Happy Digital Ham’ing

Evans Mitchell

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