NXCore is growing!

Good evening all, NXCore has taking on a new life and will be rolling out forthcoming.
Thanks to those past and present who started this off, and now the next level of NXDN Ham Radio is making it’s move forward with some new features and skill sets. More information on the new release of the NXCore files will be announced when it is finished with the BETA version (Now nearing V
As I get back into the NXDN buildout, I want to give a special thanks to NI4CE Group, Inc. and to the next developer who came on board, Tom Chance, K9XV of Florida.
We will occasionally hear from him here on the website from time to time.

Evans Mitchell

SIDE Note to all users talk group 1200

Like to make a note real quick, Talk Group 1200 (FLORIDA WIDE) is for Florida and not really a World Wide talkgroup. 65000 was meant for wide area contacts and short comms.
If you need a local area or regional talkgroup, and do not have one established, contact me to arrange having a TG reflector set up for your area. kd4efm1@gmail.com

Gen 2 NXCore will soon be branching to support regional coverage. That will be forthcoming!


Forthcoming, those who want to have GPS modules installed on their NXDN radios will be able to setup a GPS position setting that will allow you to ping you location via the WW NXDN CORE, and those who operate their own NXCORE’s with the GEN 2 NXCORE update.
The new proposed talkgroup for APRS / GPS reporting will be 14439 aka 144.390 aprs frequency,

Stay tuned!


The following IP user / person needs to contact me
host145-94-211-80.serverdedicati.aruba.it []

host81-150-15-15.in-addr.btopenworld.com []
United Kingdom

Your repeater / device is not registered with the NXCORE and not authorized at this time.

email kd4efm1@kd4efm


NXCORE IS UNDERGOING AN OVERHAUL TEMP FIX HAS BEEN APPLIED, AND OPERATIONAL NOW. I will be posting some IP’s that are hitting the NXCORE that are NOT part on the grouping. IF YOU HAVE A REPATER pointed to flicom.nxcore.org, and it is not connecting, please email me so we can resolve the issues we are seeing on our side.




NI4CE Network expands into Charlotte County, FL

On December 8, the West Central Florida Group added a new NXDN repeater in southern Charlotte County. This expands the NXDN footprint further south on I-75, providing service as far south as Fort Myers. On interstate 75 alone, this provides over 150 miles of continuous coverage, from Brooksville to Fort Myers.

This repeater is open to all NXDN users on 442.0625MHz, RAN code 1, positive offset.

Talkgroup 1200 is available as a static group, along with the newly-created Talkgroup 1220 for local Charlotte County communications. All other NXCore talkgroups are available on a dynamic basis.

We look forward to even more growth in our network throughout 2022. If you are an owner of an Icom NXDN repeater, anywhere in the world, contact us for information on how to connect your repeater to our network.

Welcome, Pennsylvania! Two New Talkgroups added to NXCore

Effective immediately, two new talkgroups have been added to all connected repeaters on a dynamic basis, connecting two new talkgroups in Pennsylvania:

TG 3142 is a statewide group, offering access to NXDN users only.
TG 31425 is a multi-mode group, connecting NXDN to all digital modes.

Please add these talkgroups to your radios, so you can take advantage of them. They have been added to the talkgroup matrix found on this site, along with their net schedules.